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Showing posts from September, 2007

World Champions

I wrote about the world champion Australian team after their world cup victory in One day internationals. But today I am glad and thrilled to write about the Indian team and their world cup adventures which ended in such a high note that it has brought a sense of jubilation to millions here in India. When the tournament started nobody gave this young team any chance. Without the might of big names it was just thought of as a time pass event. Timepass it was but boy what it turned out to be and you can't write better scripts than this. Final was set out between the two arch rivals India and Pakistan both from the subcontinent and on its way the Indian team defeated the mighty Australians and the strong South Africans. The final game was well fought by both the teams and the victory finally blessing the fighters in blue. It was the fight between the equals and lots of skill, character and a bit of fortune helped us winning the World cup. Personally it has been the best news that

The Black Swan

This post of mine is to present summary of the great book I just read. It is the 'The Black Swan' by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. The book deals with the impact of the highly improbable. I am presenting here the contents which I could grasp and I must clarify that the greatness of the concepts have been limited by my dim intellect. 1) The predictions and history - The author points out that we as human always try and make sense of the events after it has happened even though the event may be a black swan or a highly improbable event. Before the discovery of Australia people were convinced that all swans are white but discovery of a single black swan destroyed the inference of several thousand initial white swan sightings and thus these highly improbable events actually shape our history. 2) Scalable and the Non scalable - The activities and knowledge domains in our world can be categorized into scalable and non scalable elements. The author calls them Medocristan and Extremistan