I have discussed and debated at length about pros and cons of Socialism and Individualism with lots of people and have gained a lot from these conversations. I just want to summarize my views on these two contrasting systems.
Individualism as a system emphasize on individual freedom, choice and reward over group laws and rules where as the socialism requires preference of social obligations over individual choice and freedom. Anyone can point out numerous flaws in both the systems in isolation but these two system can hardly survive of their own. It is the relative density of these two systems among cultures which decide its fate. We can observe various societies and nation states around the globe and conclude that political and social forces determine the density of either of the systems. Now the question arises what is a perfect mix for maximizing well being among all humans.
If we increase individual or capitalistic pursuit we will have a free market society. This system will reward the individuals based on performance and abilities. It will provide humans freedom of choice and will allow each and everyone to do what they are interested in. On a first look this system sounds cool and it seems we should make this an universal system among us all for everlasting happiness. But if we delve a little more into this system it flaws will become apparent. This system is natural but very cruel. It tends to make the society ruled by individual might. The might may be political, physical or intellectual. If implemented in word and spirit this system seeks elimination of those who are weak or incapable for whatever reasons it may be. If we look at it is advocating elimination of all those people who are disabled as they are to be fed by those who are fully capable. The old and powerless have no place in such a system. When individual freedom takes precedence over social order then the laws will become lopsided and it can lead to anarchy and self destruction as what has been seen world over. A dictatorial/fascist system is an example of highly individualistic society where anyone who is in power work towards fulfilling his duties towards himself only.
On the other hand in a complete socialist framework a state owns everything and all citizens work for the state bringing so called equality among everyone ending social and economic classes which for long have lead to countless revolutions. It ensures work and food for all. It advocates freedom based on commonly acceptable values and tries to create an efficient system to maximize human potential. So with all these great sounding qualities why is socialism not an answer to our woes. Its because it being an unnatural system is very unstable. The socialist mindset among humans will kill all motivation to create and excel as it does not reward the individual in correct terms. A complete socialist society curbs individual freedom to such an extent that they become robots rather than humans following command and never crossing the forbidden laws. It cause humans to follow laws, belief systems and moral rules which may make the life unbearable. Besides a socialist system is very rigid and does not accept changes.
To summarize the human civilization and society can only progress if they are powered by individual brilliance and motivation followed by well organized rules and joint effort to extract common benefit. Like it takes unparalleled motivation and brilliance to invent a flying machine but require well organized and joined effort of Boeing to create a 747. Thus I feel we as humans must have individual motivation and subsequent reward system but a disciplined, well defined and evolving laws and processes to build a social framework. This can only do justice to our individual and social needs and help us live like humans.
Individualism as a system emphasize on individual freedom, choice and reward over group laws and rules where as the socialism requires preference of social obligations over individual choice and freedom. Anyone can point out numerous flaws in both the systems in isolation but these two system can hardly survive of their own. It is the relative density of these two systems among cultures which decide its fate. We can observe various societies and nation states around the globe and conclude that political and social forces determine the density of either of the systems. Now the question arises what is a perfect mix for maximizing well being among all humans.
If we increase individual or capitalistic pursuit we will have a free market society. This system will reward the individuals based on performance and abilities. It will provide humans freedom of choice and will allow each and everyone to do what they are interested in. On a first look this system sounds cool and it seems we should make this an universal system among us all for everlasting happiness. But if we delve a little more into this system it flaws will become apparent. This system is natural but very cruel. It tends to make the society ruled by individual might. The might may be political, physical or intellectual. If implemented in word and spirit this system seeks elimination of those who are weak or incapable for whatever reasons it may be. If we look at it is advocating elimination of all those people who are disabled as they are to be fed by those who are fully capable. The old and powerless have no place in such a system. When individual freedom takes precedence over social order then the laws will become lopsided and it can lead to anarchy and self destruction as what has been seen world over. A dictatorial/fascist system is an example of highly individualistic society where anyone who is in power work towards fulfilling his duties towards himself only.
On the other hand in a complete socialist framework a state owns everything and all citizens work for the state bringing so called equality among everyone ending social and economic classes which for long have lead to countless revolutions. It ensures work and food for all. It advocates freedom based on commonly acceptable values and tries to create an efficient system to maximize human potential. So with all these great sounding qualities why is socialism not an answer to our woes. Its because it being an unnatural system is very unstable. The socialist mindset among humans will kill all motivation to create and excel as it does not reward the individual in correct terms. A complete socialist society curbs individual freedom to such an extent that they become robots rather than humans following command and never crossing the forbidden laws. It cause humans to follow laws, belief systems and moral rules which may make the life unbearable. Besides a socialist system is very rigid and does not accept changes.
To summarize the human civilization and society can only progress if they are powered by individual brilliance and motivation followed by well organized rules and joint effort to extract common benefit. Like it takes unparalleled motivation and brilliance to invent a flying machine but require well organized and joined effort of Boeing to create a 747. Thus I feel we as humans must have individual motivation and subsequent reward system but a disciplined, well defined and evolving laws and processes to build a social framework. This can only do justice to our individual and social needs and help us live like humans.
And rationality Justifiability can only be the basic principle of any society. any society disagreeing with rationality and justifiability is a fraud and failure. nothing more.
It can suck and loot Individual caliber but cannot stand progressively and graciously.
On the graves of Individuals, society stands what a shame for such hypocrit society!
Socialism and collectivism is criminalistic.
As Bertrand Russel said, socialism is nothing but one further facet of repressive religion and collectivism.
A free successfull society can exist only on the shoulders of freeIndependent Individuals.
That society which makes slaves of Individuals is doomed!
The corrupt system of India is just an example of it.
You even do not know the meaning of rationalism. Rationalism is always Objective, that is Unbiased. if social effects creates biasing then it is not rationalism, but hypocrisy. It is not Objectivity but anti-objectivity. It is collectivism/socialism/communism.
Rationalism means REASON as source of truth. Reason are Independent of emotions and biases.
To get rid of emotions and biases and blind faith is known as rationalism.
Science is a rational study of material. Now if you think newtons laws of motions are biased with newtons feelings, or einstien theory of relativity is biased with judaism then it is your sense of humour.
comes up we need to fight and fight hard both as individuals and as society.
If Einstien didn't had will to break limits, he might never had thought of going beyond Newtons laws of motion.
Infact social attachments and your useless and frustrating sense of subjectivity is societies own enemy which will always restrict it to be any good system,. because to be good system, society needs to be free society.
Society are denying Objectivity because it is weak. But for its own weakness, society MUST not restrict Individuals which it do via socialism and society. Whom didn't society not punished? wasn't galileo punished? wasn't newton punished? what Hitler did with einstien?
The societal rulling and collectivism are enemy of Individual.
About Objectivity, you even are not able to grasp it.
And well dear, if you feel that one cannot be unbiased, then it is your own biggest bias.
You can say that you cannot be unbiased. why are you rulling over others? who gave you the authority?
as benjamin frankling said..
If onewant to reduce corruption he must make himself honest. that will mean that one bastard is less now.
Fuck your society. I live for my own self with utmost honesty reasonability and happiness.
Individual freedom is meaningless in absence of society. A collection of mutually exclusive and free individuals can not produce anything but chaos. An order and protocol governing them can only provide a platform for any development. You can crib and cry a like a school girl for all the problems of modern society has but you yourself know you owe your existence, your belief and your knowledge to it. How you live and what you live for is a personal choice but to live you need rules and you need society. Also if you feel you are rational then you are no more a human than the chair you are sitting on. Bias comes from books we read, friends we have and the knowledge itself. Rationality is a myth felt only by the arrogant. No harm in being arrogant though. I wish there will be a day when rationality will prevail but humans may not survive long enough to experience it.