I read a year back about how the Y chromosome which differentiates a man from a women is loosing its genes and in about 10 million years the man as we know ourselves will disappear from this planet. One of the female reporter commenting on the discovery summarized that men as a race are not worth saving. Well that was a long time back compared to the neck break speed of our our technological evolution. But today I came across another interesting article here
which reports of a new breakthrough where scientists are able to create sperm cells by harvesting stem cells from a women's marrow. So now even our contribution in keeping this world going is no longer required and I was feeling like an obsolete being already. But to my rescue came Champu.
Champu we all feel is like a tormented child, he is rigid and stubborn and rarely change his thoughts. I never saw him talking to girls so when I saw him coming I just couldn't control myself of breaking on him the news of our extinction. Whoa..So he began...
What the FUCK man!! Where are you reading this girly stuff of extinction and all that crap. Huh..These chicks don't know jack shit...they think they can survive without men but what will they do in a world without machines, without maths and science. They will not be able to figure out how the fuck they survived and what the fuck happened to us . They are just good for nothing. They want us to treat them like a bloody queen and think they are smarter. Smart my Ass.
I tried interrupting....
Shut up and just listen to me. For your information the Y chromosome has not lost any of its important genes in last 5 million years so it expected to last at least 100 million years and besides we men don't require a chromosome to tell us what we are and what we should do. If this damn thing just fucks off we will have some one else. If we can survive the women around us we can survive this mutation shit...
By the time he finished there was a large gathering around us and everyone seem to have enjoyed this little conversation of ours. Perhaps I don't want to conclude of what Champu implied. If nothing else it provide us some comic relief..
which reports of a new breakthrough where scientists are able to create sperm cells by harvesting stem cells from a women's marrow. So now even our contribution in keeping this world going is no longer required and I was feeling like an obsolete being already. But to my rescue came Champu.
Champu we all feel is like a tormented child, he is rigid and stubborn and rarely change his thoughts. I never saw him talking to girls so when I saw him coming I just couldn't control myself of breaking on him the news of our extinction. Whoa..So he began...
What the FUCK man!! Where are you reading this girly stuff of extinction and all that crap. Huh..These chicks don't know jack shit...they think they can survive without men but what will they do in a world without machines, without maths and science. They will not be able to figure out how the fuck they survived and what the fuck happened to us . They are just good for nothing. They want us to treat them like a bloody queen and think they are smarter. Smart my Ass.
I tried interrupting....
Shut up and just listen to me. For your information the Y chromosome has not lost any of its important genes in last 5 million years so it expected to last at least 100 million years and besides we men don't require a chromosome to tell us what we are and what we should do. If this damn thing just fucks off we will have some one else. If we can survive the women around us we can survive this mutation shit...
By the time he finished there was a large gathering around us and everyone seem to have enjoyed this little conversation of ours. Perhaps I don't want to conclude of what Champu implied. If nothing else it provide us some comic relief..