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Showing posts from December, 2007


Courage is a rare gift bestowed only on few lucky among us. Courage does not mean absence of fear but the heart to stand on our ground in spite of it. We admire those who have it and make them our leaders. Mrs Benazir Bhutto was one of the few courageous people around who stood in the face of adverse situation and gave her life fighting for what she believed in. After she returned from exile she was attached the first day killing hundreds of people in her rally. It never deterred her resolve and she knew she may have to give her life for the people of her country. The cowardly attack on her has shown the world that terrorists are no humans and they are hell bent in undermining the world and its values as we know it. But they are fighting a lost war..they may kill people but not their ideas and their courage. Though she was a leader of a hostile country and I may not personally like her ideologies but she was brave and she had the fighting spirit. She died a painful death for her peo...

Love and Need

We as living beings share one thing common among us all...'Need'. From the tiniest of the bacteria to the gigantic whales all are driven by need. Life is driven by this ever present need. Need to feed oneself, need to procreate and need to enjoy the small luxuries life gives us all. We humans being with a much developed consciousness and response system have more needs and complex socio economic systems give rise to very diverse taste and requirements. Need we can easily conclude lead to all forms of pursuits and emotions . Last day I got into argument for saying that all our emotions including love arise due to one or the other need. However I agree once love blossomed it grow larger than the need itself and may last longer than the need and sometimes even a lifetime. This attribute of love make it so great. Well by love I don't mean only the romantic love but all forms of love all living beings exhibit with each other or even with inanimate things. For example our q...

The Spooky Experience

It was cold very cold but not icy. I could feel the chill down to my spine but not my spine. I could walk even run but had no control of my legs. I could not feel them perhaps they were not there. I had to reach somewhere but I could not think of a place that I want to go. I tried remembering where I was coming from or to a place I could go back to but it was all blank. There was just this misty chill all around. I watched someone crossing me and I wanted to call him . I cried louder than I could ever have but could not speak out. But suddenly I could feel lots of shadows around and perhaps I was not alone. But where was everybody going and why was it so dark. Dark it dark? Where are my eyes? Oh I wanted to see and touch my eyes but I don't know where to look for my hands and suddenly I realize I could not feel my body. Oh my body where was it..I wanted to stop to catch a breath but I could barely breath. Oh! I was not breathing just this sense of motion within this eternal...