Everyone wants me to grow up. My parents, my colleagues, my friends and even my twelve year old cousins. I wish I could fulfill their request..but have failed miserably till now. I always thought growing up is a science where in mother nature stretches you from an invisible cell to a complex organism with the passage of time. The interaction with everything outside you teaches and help you evolve into grown up man or woman or perhaps both( your choice). The growing up in this world is no longer an science but perhaps an art which everyone must master to be a truly grown up being. I wished I could attend some coaching classes which could help me grow up. As learning and success is now directly proportional to the classes one can attend so I was in search of something which could help me behave like a grown up man. It was until I met this gentlemen who promised he could help me grow up. It was an exciting experience with him for sure. If my laziness could have permitted I would have e...
The matrix is the everything we have around us. It is the infinite and eternal truth which exist beyond time and comprehension. The blog has bits and bytes of my interaction and experience in it.