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Why I write blogs ??

While working on one of company's whitepaper I randomly thought of psyche of a blog writer and how suddenly blogging has been providing me that ever elusive creative freedom. I happened to ask myself why I have been writing blogs? The voice inside barked back,” Do you really want to know?”. I asked,”Why not?” And he just started...

You write blogs because you feel you are a fucking moralist! You write blogs because the loser from the high school now owns more sports car than the counting he use to know. You write blogs because the hot chick in the college called you bhaiya.......eeeeeeeeee. Your so called former girl friend has six digit salary and is settled in europe. The rowdy goon from the locality just got one more license for a wine shop. The share price of the so called mid level jewel is going down even in the bull market taking yours $$ with it. You have not seen sunrise and sunset for last three years. The television no longer serves any purpose. Saas bahus have destroyed it all. Number system and calculus have stopped making sense and theoretical physics just got upgraded to more mystic level. Colleagues no longer pay attention to your thoughts or whatever they are and team members don't buy the big lectures during office meetings. Exercise and meditation can't be done while sleeping.
Stop ! for fuck sake!! What the hell are you saying? It can't be true. I write blogs because it is a excellent form of expressing and sharing!!
Bull shit! You write blogs as you are good for nothing else and want to torture peaceful people in cyber space who happen to read to them.
I don't want to know more! Get lost..... I stopped the bugger but have'nt got my answer yet!!


Anonymous said…
Be smart
my inner world said…
good post and a good blog too:)
Sushant said…
abhi said…
nice one

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