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Have you ever pondered why is morality necessary in life? Why our parents want us to be truthful, honest and humble. Why do we hate liars and hypocrites? Why there are numerous stories about the virtue of Good and how every time good wins over the evil in the long run. Are we good because there is an almighty god looking over us and we will be burnt in hell if we do something bad. Are people in general good because they are afraid of God.

To me we are more good than evil because that is a logical thing to do. "Good" here i must emphasize symbolizes the greater good of our civilization and human race. It may be relative on an individual basis but on a macro scale being good or having all the positive qualities we hear about is logical and in fact very necessary for the very survival. Imagine a world where its OK to rob your neighbor and bring home their money and goods. With the same logic it should also be OK when one of our neighbors mugged us up. You can clearly visualize that such a society cannot exist. So came the old adage "Love Thy neighbor". Similarly all the other moral values are the basic requirement of a stable interdependent society.

These moral values have emerged from our own individual needs. We will act in a certain manner which we expect others also to follow. So if we want that a person be honest to us we need to be honest to him as well. So this is all give and take. If you are immoral then it is difficult for people to deal with you and thus you become a misfit in society. So in reality being moral is the only way for human civilization to survive and prosper.

We don't have to worry about divine intervention for our immoral acts as over a longer period of time no immoral act can survive the rigid moral rules of interdependence and immorality will lead to devastating effects on ones life. Its like the shepherd boy's story who use to cry "Wolf Wolf" without any reason and one day when the real wolf came there was no one around.


SWATZ said…
Great write-up...short, crisp n to the pint.. :D But you know what it is ahrd to find moral human ebings in today's world!!!
Zyenab said…
If you induce religion in the context of understanding morality then yes, it is right when they say “Fear is the mother of morality” however i would personaly incline towards your explaination of opting for morality because it is based on rationalism and hence it has minimum assumptions.
Adisha said…
Wow !! No, I really mean it, wow !! You're so clear on your thoughts. I really enjoyed reading the post. Admitted my thoughts on morality are Slightly different but totally agree with your view point too :D

Sure to keep visiting !! Do visit my sites

I'd like to know your take on the various topics

Adisha said…
I'm blog rolling you. Hope that's ok !!
Sushant said…
Thanks Swati..I still think deep down we all are selfish but morality is necessary to even meet our selfish ends..
Sushant said…
I agree completely with you Zainab.
Sushant said…
Thanks Adisha..I will surely visit your blogs and is adding them to my blogroll..
Tall Guy said…
Let just be honest, that moral values in today's times is not even considered important.

The irony of today is that if you are selfish and honest about it, you will find more takers for the same.

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