Faith is blind I hear...Either you have it or don't.. there is no middle way. Faith can be on anything or on anyone. People feel when they have faith they don't need reason..and faith in itself is the beginning and the end. But if we look closely our faith depends on what people around us have faith in. Humans like most species need care and support from their parents and we naturally build a very strong bond with them and their faiths and beliefs comes to us naturally. We go by the notion that somethings have worked for them and so they are to be taken as a rule. As we grow our inquisitive mind becomes skeptic of various ideologies that we inherit.
Sometimes we are too busy to question them and continue with them as they are. These with time becomes rules which we may not have any reason for but believe in them subconsciously.
These ultimately leads to blind faith and superstitions. If we look closely it is easy to have faith on concepts which are based on reason. Like I will have 100% faith that if i throw a ball up it will fall down as gravity is at work. However I don't have any reason to believe that if I visit a temple before exam I am going to get lucky with it. Its sad but in most human cultures "GOD" is considered something which is beyond reason. Its just the faith you have to live with.
I agree that human reasoning may not be adequate at this point to discuss and describe God if there is one looking at us. But why believe in something which is beyond reason. Can we wait till things are proved beyond reasonable doubt. Well its your choice to have blind faith if it helps you in some way as far as I am concerned I know what to believe in...
I find it amusing that yesterday I was writing a post (not yet published) on similar lines and today I read your post on the same.
Faith is important. For faith leads us to hope. Hope is what truly keeps us alive. But questioning what's presented to us, or what we go through in life, just helps us to make better sense of things around us, increasing our faith in ourselves as we see Reason.