‘Bad’ in all its forms and manifestations implies something negative to human senses both morally and objectively. Like all adjectives it is also relative to its context. There are frames of references which contain the test subjects and we can apply valuation theory to be certain of an act or object being good or bad but applying in wide social world with our improper understanding of the context can lead to absurd results.
To measure badness quotient among entities around us require different benchmarks and relative parameters to obtain it correctly. Let us consider the statement ‘Violence is bad’. We can easily make it that this statement though hold correct for many references it may be incorrect in some of them. A person countering violence by violence may not be called bad. So a person being abused violently will be called brave rather than bad.
Our mind is quick to point out something negative in others; I guess this is how we evolved where we prioritize our own self before others and our survival counts the most so anything negative or repulsive is pointed out to us before anything positive. Going against the common sense are beliefs is a real difficult thing so evaluating a correct badness quotient is a real difficult task. However I cannot deny that we define our individual context and we have full liberty to decide if a thing or act is good or bad for us within our knowledge domain. Like a kid may find his father angst against his smoking repulsive as his hormonal impulse and limited knowledge will force him to think that his father is acting like a bad ass but from a larger context we know that what father is doing is part of his duty as a responsible parent. It is easy to find faults in people and things around us but we must always consider that there is a limit to our knowledge of what we know about the concerned person and entity, so we must give everything an objective look before deciding about it. Badness and goodness are always relative in our world and its good to have an open mind while deciding on what is god or bad and interpolating our personal results to every context and situation will certainly lead to wrong conclusions.